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Un compendio de hermosas Bibliotecas

Todo el mundo tiene algún tipo de lugar que les hace sentirse transportado a un reino mágico. Para algunas personas es castillos con su noble historia y torres desmoronándose. Para otros es fábricas abandonadas, hiedra estrangulada, un sentimiento de aprensión en torno a todos los rincones. Para nosotros aquí en Curious Expediciones, siempre ha habido algo con respecto a las bibliotecas. Fila tras fila, después de plataforma plataforma, no hay nada más mágico que una hermosa y antigua biblioteca. Tuvimos la oportunidad de ver uno de esos biblioteca en nuestra reciente visita a Praga. Escondido en la cima de una colina en Praga es el Monasterio de Strahov, el segundo monasterio más antiguo en Praga. El interior, dividido en dos grandes salas, es una impresionante biblioteca. El sorprendente Teológica Salón de 18000 contiene los textos religiosos, y el gran Salón de Filosofía cuenta con más de 42000 antiguos textos filosóficos. Ambos son increíblemente hermosa. Strahov también contiene un hermoso gabinete de curiosidades, incluidos los bits de un pájaro Dodo, un gran siglo 18 electrostática dispositivo, maravillosamente numerosos especímenes de edad océano, y por razones poco claras muchos casos de cristal lleno de frutas waxen. Nuestra alegría se puso de manifiesto. Conmovido en una biblioteca euforia inducida, Curious Expediciones ha tratado de reunir el mundo de las bibliotecas más bonitas para usted a partir de nuestras propias imágenes de Strahov. Esperamos que disfrute de ellas tanto como nosotros.
Theological Hall - Original Baroque Cabinets Strahov Theological Hall - Original Baroque Cabinet
Theological Hall; Statue of John the Evangelist Holding a Book Strahov Theological Hall; Statue of John the Evangelist Holding a Book
Strahov Philosophical Hall Strahov Philosophical Hall

STIFTSBIBLIOTHEK-ST.-GALLEN%20%28%29.jpg Abbey Library St. Gallen, Switzerland
Angelica%20Library%2C%20Rome.jpg Angelica Library, Rome, Italy
Wolfenbuttel.jpgHerzog August Library, Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Beatus%20Rhenanus.jpg Beatus Rhenanus Library, Basel, Switzerland
Bernadotte%20Library%2C%20Stockholm.jpg Bernadotte Library, Stockholm Sweden
Biblioteca%20Angelica%203.jpg Biblioteca Angelica, Rome, Italy
Biblioteca%20di%20Belle%20Arti%20Milano%20I.jpg Biblioteca Di Bella Arti, Milan, Italy
Biblioteca%20do%20Palacio%20e%20Convento%20de%20Mafra%20I.jpg Biblioteca do Palacio e Convento de Mafra I, Lisbon Coast, Portugal
Biblioteca do Palàcio Nacional da Ajuda Lisboa III, Lisbon, Portugal Biblioteca do Palàcio Nacional da Ajuda Lisboa III, Lisbon, Portugal
Biblioteca%20Geral%20da%20Universidade%20de%20Coimbra%20IV.jpg Biblioteca Geral University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
Biblioteca%20Palafoxiana.jpg Biblioteca Palafoxiana, Puebla, Mexico
Biblioteca%20de%20la%20Real%20Academia%20De%20La%20Lengua%2C%20Madrid%2C%20Spain%201.jpg Bibliotecha de la Real Academia De La Lengua, Madrid, Spain
Bibliotheque_alencon_670px.jpg Bibliotheque Alencon, Normandy, France
BNF-PARIS%20%28%29.jpg Bibliothéque Nationale de France, Paris, France
bodlein.jpg Duke of Humphrey’s Library, Bodleian, Oxford University, England
Boston_bates5a.jpg Boston Copley Public Library, Boston, USA
BRITISH-LIBRARY-LONDON%20%28%29.jpg Old British Reading Room, British Museum, London, England
Casanatense%20Library%201.jpg Casanatense Library, Rome, Italy
Cathedral%20Library%2C%20Kalocsa.jpg Cathedral Library, Kalocsa, Hungary
Chetham%27s%20Library%2C%20Manchester%202.jpg Chetham’s Library, Manchester, UK
Dutch%20Royal%20Library.jpeg Dutch Royal Archives Library, Netherlands
El%20Escorial%20Library%2C%20San%20Lorenzo%20de%20El%20Escorial%2C%20Spain.jpg El Escorial Library, San Lorenzo, Spain
Frederick%20Ferris%20Thompson%20Memorial%20Library.jpg Frederick Ferris Thompson Memorial Library, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York, USA
Peabody%20Library.jpg George Peabody Library, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
HANDELINGENKAMER-TWEEDE-KAM%20%28%29.jpg Handelingenkamer Tweede Kamer Der Staten-Generaal Den Haag, the Hague, Netherlands
Hereford%20Cathedral%20Chained%20Library.jpg Hereford Cathedral Chained Library, Hereford, England (Rare books were once kept chained to the bookshelf to prevent stealing.)
Herzogin%20Anna%20Amalia%20Bibliothek%20Weimar%20II%2C%20Germany Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek Weimar II, Germany
Joanina%20Library%2C%20University%20of%20Coimbra%2C%20Portugal%2C.jpg Joanina LIbrary University of Coimbra, Portugal
kremsmuenster_60.jpg Kremsmuenster Abbey Library, Kremsmünster, Upper Austria.
Library%20of%20Castilla-La%20Mancha%202.jpg Biblioteca Castilla La Mancha, Spain
library_of_congress_reading.jpg Library of Congress, Washington, DC, USA
Library of Parliament Ottawa Library of Parliament, Ottawa, Canada
Library%20of%20St.%20Walburga%2C%20Zutphen%2C%20Netherlands.jpg Library of St. Walburga, Zutphen, Netherland (Preserved from the 16th century)
Bibliothek.Admont_gesamt.jpg Library of the Benedictine Monastery of Admont, Austria
Library%20of%20the%20National%20Palace%20of%20Mafra.jpg Library of the National Palace of Mafra, Portugal
Library%20of%20the%20Prussian%20King%20Frederic%20the%20Second%20in%20Potsdam%2C%20Germany.jpg Library of the Prussian King Frederic the Second in Potsdam, Germany
Melk-Library%20Small.jpg Melk Monastery Library, Melk, Austria
National%20Art%20Library%2C%20Victoria%20%26%20Albert%20Museum.jpg National Art Library, Victoria and Albert Museum, London
North%20Reading%20Room%2C%20UC%20Berkeley%2C%20California%2C%20USA.jpg North Reading Room, UC Berkeley, California, USA (Terrific reader suggestion)
NYC_Public_Library_Research_Room_Jan_2006.jpg New York Public Library, New York, USA
Library%20collection%20of%20Antwerp%27s%20biggest%20publisher%2C%20Plantin-Moretus%20.jpg Plantin-Moretus, Antwerp, Belgium
Queen%27s%20College%20Library%2C%20Oxford.jpg Queen’s College Library Oxford
Real%20Gabinete%20Portugues%20De%20Leitura%20Rio%20De%20Janeiro%203.jpg Real Gabinete Portugues De Leitura Rio De Janeiro, Brazil (Possibly the most beautiful library of them all.)
Glasgow_School_of_Art_Library.jpg Rennie Mackintosh Library, Glasgow School of Art, Scotland (Added on excellent reader suggestion.)
Riggslib.jpg Riggs Library, Georgetown University, USA
RIJKMUSEUM-AMSTERDAM.jpg Rijkmuseum Library, Amsterdam
riksadagen%201.jpg Riksdagen Library, Swedish Parliament Library, Stockholm, Sweden
NationalRussia%20manuscriptdept.jpg Russian National Library, St. Petersburg
St.%20Florian%20Monastery%20Library%202.jpg St. Florian Monastery-Library, Austria
Salamanca%20Small.jpg Salamanca Library, Salamanca, Spain
Sansovino%27s%20Library%202.jpg Sansovino Library, Rome, Italy
Library%20of%20the%20Sorbonne.jpg Sorbonne Library, Paris, France
State%20Library%20of%20Victoria.jpg State Library, Victoria, Australia
STIFTSBIBLIOTHEK-KLOSTERNEU%20%28%29.jpg Stiftsbibliothek Klosterneuburg, Klosterneuburg, Austria
Suzzallo%20Library.jpg Suzzallo Library, Seattle, Washington, USA
The%20New%20Library%20of%20the%20Royal%20College%20of%20Physicians%20of%20Edinburgh.jpg The New Library of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Theology%20Room%20at%20St.%20Deiniol%27s%20library%2C%20North%20Wales.jpg Theology Room at St. Deiniol’s library, North Wales
TRINITY-COLLEGE-LIBRARY-DUB%20%28%29.jpg Trinity College LIbrary, AKA, The Long Room, Dublin, Ireland
University%20Library%2C%20Helsinki%2C%20Finland%20Small.jpg University-Library, Helsinki, Finland
Vatican.jpeg Vatican Library, Vatican City, Rome
Vienna%20Austrian%20National%20Library.jpg Austrian National Library, Vienna, Austria
Waldassen%201.jpg Waldsassen Abbey Library, Bavaria, Germany
Wren%20Library%2C%20Trinity%20Small.jpg Wren Library, Trinity College, Cambridge, England
Yale%2C%20Beinecke%20Rare%20Book%20and%20Manuscript%20Library.jpg Yale, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

At the end of this post we at Curious Expeditions asked for beautiful libraries we had overlooked. Turns out, there were a lot. In fact, more than we will ever be able to post. But in the spirit of the compendium below we have put up some of our favorites from the reader suggested libraries. Thanks to everyone who suggested a library, it’s fantastic to see that we aren’t the only ones with a bad case of librophila. (We also apologize to anyone who suffers a scrolling related injury.)

Amelia%20S.%20Givin%20Library%20Mount%20Holly%20Springs%2C%20PA Amelia S. Givin Library, Mount Holly Springs, PA
biblio.jpg Bad Schussenried Bibliothekssaal, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
1_d.jpg Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana, Florence, Italy
Bibliotheque%20solvay%20wall.jpg Bibliothèque Solvay, Brussels, Belgium
IMG_6802%20Athenaeum%2C%202nd%20floor%20reading%20room%20%28ok%29.jpg Boston Athenæum, Boston, MA, USA
Codrington.jpg Codrington Library, All Souls College, Oxford, England
cornell-law-school-library-reading-room.JPG Cornell Law School Library, Ithaca, NY, USA
84370702_12a16fd6d9_b.jpg Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington D.C., USA
900888676_ce0f02a9d0.jpg George Vanderbilt’s Biltmore House Library, Asheville, N.C., USA
71760851_e0d74f9ebc.jpg Harper Library, The University of Chicago, IL, USA
Picture%201.png John Rylands Library, Manchester, England (Thanks to Edward Brownrigg and John Rylands)
202146600_37b58ca97a.jpg Klementium Library, Prague, Czech Republic
375747852_cc3d8baec9_b.jpg Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Wales
Ireland%27s%20National%20Library.jpg National Library of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland
1238808242_34436ad02c_o.jpg Old Chicago Public Library (Current Cultural Center), Chicago, IL, USA
eastroom.jpg Pierpont Morgan Library, NY, NY, USA
800px-Slub-dresden-reading-room-2.JPG Saxon State Library in Dresden, Germany (The reading room pictured is entirely underground, the ceiling being level with the grass.)
133011158_c92fe0896d_o.jpg Sterling Memorial Library, Yale, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (The rest of Sterling Library is incredible, but I particularly enjoy that wonderful library specialty, the card catalog)
The%20Grolier%20Club%2C%20NYC.gif The Grolier Club Library, NY, NY, USA
292850452_60779742e6_o.jpg Law Library, Iowa State Legislature, IA, USA
The%20St.%20Johnsbury%20Athenaeum%2C%20Vermont The St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, Northeast Vermont, USA
402375842_87eb6e4012_b.jpg Thomas Crane Library, Quincy MA, USA
mezzanine-stacks2.jpg Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto, Canada
800px-UMichiganLawLibraryInterior.jpg University of Michigan (Old) Law Library, MI, USA
6:50 p. m.

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